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Commuting from Wasilla, Should I?

by Eric Bushnell

"Can you believe that they drive from the Valley everyday?"

"Wow, you drive that far EVERYDAY!"  I hear this all the time from people.  A reality in most people everyday life is that they have to commute.  East Coast, West Coast, and in the Midwest, people drive to work.  Some may take mass transit, which does lessen the toll on you, maybe.  I still think the daily grind of getting to and from work is pretty consistent for everyone.  Well not everyone, some lucky people walk to work or ride their bikes.  This blog is not for you!

Its for the rest of us that spend 30-60 minutes on our way to work.

In a Alaska the commute can be quick and other days it can be horrible.  The weather dictates this as well as the moron that just cut off the guy in from of me sending him into the ditch, creating a huge snarl of traffic on the only road linking the Mat-Su Valley and Anchorage.  This is a reality that effects at least 30,000 people a dozen times a year.  Yes, just a dozen times a year.  So its not really that bad, well when it happens it's that bad.

I think if you commute from anywhere it will take you time.  commute from South Anchorage and it will take you longer to get to downtown than if you live in Eagle River.  The commute from Eagle river is the same as from Wasilla to Eagle River.  I just wish more businesses would relocate their corporate headquarters to Eagle River (BTW, Corporate guru's, we have land and would love to have you).  So if the difference is just an additional 30 minutes is it worth it. 

Some say the cost is huge, but I would argue its not.  For example 30 minutes at 65 mph in a truck that get 16 mpg ( I hope your car does better) uses 2..03 gallons and costs $7.03 ($3.46 per gallon) each way, $70.28 per week for the additional miles driven each way.  I think most people get better gas mileage than this.  This adds $302 to the monthly commute bill.

If a home in the Mat-Su Valley is $90,000 less does the difference save you any money at the end of each month?  Is the extra space that you get, as most homes are on larger lots (Half acres+ compared to a 1/4 acre or less in Anchorage), worth the difference?  there are more newer homes in the Mat-Su Valley, so the energy costs of these new more modern homes possibly offset the cost of the commute?  Easier access to the trails and rivers of the Mat-Su valley, that can save on your weekend gas bill, so there is a minor trade off, unless you go to Kenai or Seward every weekend than there is an increase.

Current interest rates are 5.125% today, and that additional $90,000 will cost you $490 per month on a 30 year conventional loan.  That is a saving of $182 per month that could go towards a more fuel efficient vehicle, or maybe a new boat?

BTW, this is what I was thinking about on my way in from Wasilla today.

In the Mat-Su Valley homes can be more affordable with a majority of the homes in the $150,000 to $350,000.  The Mat-Su Valley offers larger lots and access to recreational properties that Eagle River and Anchorage do not.  You can click anyone of the links below to see the current homes for sale.

New Construction-Open House

by Eric Bushnell

As we enter into the new construction season and saw dust starts to fly through the air, one wonders will we get back to the growth we saw just a few years ago. 

I believe we will see steady growth in new construction side of real estate.  in Eagle River we will see steady growth.  Powder Ridge is seeing several new homes this year.  Nolan Homes, LLC., LLC is almost finished with a a home and there are open houses there each weekend.

Nolan Homes, LLC. is currently marketing 22 new homes in the Powder Ridge subdivision.  There is a myriad of styles and sizes.  Nolan Homes, LLC. is offering two levels of specifications, a standard level which is still a higher level of building specifications, and a Luxury build specification.  The Luxury level includes upgrades such hardwood flooring, granite counter tops, and many other features withing he home.

New construction is moving forward and Eagle River is growing.  Come to Powder Ridge and see the progress.

What should I do?

by Eric Bushnell

What is happening out there?  This is what I was asking myself yesterday.  Interest rates did a little dance yesterday. They didn't just jump,they jumped twice.  The good news is they stayed stable today.

Now is the building season for new construction.  My second question was how is this going to effect the new homes we're going to build?  Steady interest rates make everyone happy.  Timing the market is not a good recipe for success.

I spoke with another business owner in town about the small jump, and he said that maybe he should have bought another home and used it for a rental.  I realize there is a lot of uncertainty in the economy, but the housing market in Eagle River Alaska has remain steady.

If you are trying to time the market, don't.  There are good deals out there and the interest rates are pretty low.  Waiting for that better deal will only cause you to miss out on the good deal that is available now. 

I think that if we worry to much about what we may lose, we will never get a chance to live.  You have to make decisions, you have to make choices, you cannot live on the sidelines.  How many people do you know that missed out on that great opportunity?

I am not saying take risk, just don't be paralyzed by the unknown.  Life is all about the unknown, make good decisions and move on..I mean move in.

Displaying blog entries 1-3 of 3

Contact Information

Lee Realty, LLC
Lee Realty, LLC.
5050 Dunbar Drive #F
Wasilla AK 99654
Office: 907-376-0119
Fax: (907) 376-4039